The Importance of Cybersecurity: How to Stay Ahead of the Threats

Since the inception of the internet, there have been people who have made it their mission to steal money, data, identities, or any other form of valuable asset that can be accessed remotely via this miracle of technology. The problem is, the internet wasn't designed to be secure, and in fact is rather vulnerable to cyber thieves by its very nature (it was designed to share information, not protect it). And so, the challenge for companies all of the world has been how to maximize the immense potential of the internet's capability to conduct business digitally, while still keeping customer information and assets protected in an inherently insecure format. Thus, cybersecurity was born!

Cybersecurity has changed dramatically over the years in response to the newest technologies and threats. It is no longer just about passwords and firewalls. For every new innovation was a new way to circumvent it, and new opportunities for criminals to access data. As technology became more robust and complex, the cyber pirates became more creative and determined. Cybersecurity professionals had to be able to recognize deficiencies in defense measures, anticipate the cyber criminal's attack methods, and design new ways to shore up the walls of protection around the most sensitive digital resources. But this race may not ever end. Technology continues to advance, and both sides continue to try to gain the upper hand using the latest and greatest technical wizardry.

Today, the race has become even more intense. New guidelines and "best practices" have given companies an array of new arrows in their quiver to defend against all kinds of cyber threats. Organizations like the Center for Internet Security (CIS) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have provided roadmaps for savvy cyber-defenders to prepare their systems (IT and non-IT) to battle the latest threats. There are a variety of Federal guidelines that are specific to individual industries, and many more that cover broad areas of concern across a variety of technological landscapes. Many states have even instituted legislation to provide protections for companies who adhere to the strictest guidelines, giving them an Affirmative Defense in the event of a cyber breach.

While no set of guidelines can ensure 100% protection against any cyber-attack, there are some which go above and beyond to insulate a compliant company against those kinds of attacks. One of the most comprehensive new laws is Ohio's Senate Bill 220, also known as The Data Protection Act of 2018. This law provides a legal affirmative defense for companies who properly evaluate their cyber systems and adopt one of several respected and approved sets of guidelines for cyber defense. Several prominent organizations have published articles about Ohio's law including the Ohio Bar Association ( and the Harvard Journal of Law & Technology (

Unfortunately, not every company has the time, expertise, necessary financial resources, or personnel resources to execute a thorough and comprehensive cybersecurity assessment of their systems in order to evaluate their compliance with these laws. It is recommended that companies hire a reputable and impartial 3rd party organization to conduct this review, and recommend the needed adjustments to obtain the appropriate level of compliance and achieve the legal affirmative defense. In Ohio, one such organization is XLN SYSTEMS ( We are able to complete a full evaluation of a company's IT and non-IT systems, and provide a detailed report that illustrates everything needed to be fully compliant and protected against cyber threats. Having a Cybersecurity Assessment can be one of the most effective ways of helping to ensure that your company is protected to the highest possible level.

Cybersecurity is everchanging. Every new technological advance comes with both exciting promise, and the threat of new deficiencies and vulnerabilities. Don't wait until you become a victim to find out where you are vulnerable. Having a proper Cybersecurity Assessment can give you peace of mind that your company is protected even if you become the target of a cyber-criminal.

Jim Schirtzinger is the Director of Technology Resources for XLN SYSTEMS, and has been with the company since 2019. XLN SYSTEMS is based in Columbus, Ohio, and is a provider of Cybersecurity Assessments for companies of all sizes and in all verticals and industries. Founded in 1991, our company was built on a foundation of honesty and transparency. We care about doing things the right way, and we take pride in solving problems ethically. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help your company become Cyber Compliant.


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